Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
July 4, 2022
Cover Magazine Feature
July 15, 2022Do you trust those around you? Or do you, like me, want to control all the variables to ensure a ‘perfect’ outcome?
As a recovering perfectionist I have a (very strong) tendency to want to do it all myself, to fix all the problems and to keep everyone happy. While these traits have served me in some ways, they are certainly not the best traits to build a business with because they prevent trust from being built. David Weinberger once said that ‘the smartest person in the room, is the room’ and to me this epitomises trust within a team. We have to allow everyone in the room to contribute and in order to do this we have to be open and create an environment of trust. This means that we allow those in our team to do things in their own way, even if that looks different to how we would have done it. We listen & we are open to hearing that there may be a better way of doing things than how we do it. Trust means giving people the space to fail and fall, and that can be hard for any leader to do but it is absolutely worth it.