A Value Mindset
March 17, 2022
5 Reasons why we do Hard Things
March 23, 2022One thing I have learnt in business is that there are always curve balls. Whether it is an unexpected call from a client, a resignation of a team member or an economic change on the other side of the world, there is never a dull day in business.
One thing all of these have in common is that they are out of our control. What we can control is how we respond to every curve ball that comes our way.
A trick I learnt was to expect a curve ball every day, that way, when it arrives it no longer has the element of surprise that it would have had if you were not expecting it. Using curiosity to ask your self each day, ‘I wonder what curve ball will arrive today’?
Some of the tips I use to handle a curve ball:
- Include free time in your everyday routine to adjust for curve balls
- Focus what you can control
- Talk to your team, many minds are better than one
Curve balls will always be there, we get to learn to handle them better each time and that is what makes the difference in the long term.